Monday, July 14, 2008

Ai is featured in FH2A online dsitrubution festival

ambush, originally uploaded by rasdourian.

So as people who know me know...I'm a huge proponent of online distribution for all forms of media. I had a vision 5 or 6 years ago that this business model will eventually become so powerful for independent voices that it cannot be denied.

A few months ago I submitted my labor of love short film "Ai" to what I believe is an intriguing and amazing social experiment, From Here to Awesome. The concept? Use the power of the internet and social network to market and sell your film directly to the audience. I believe deeply in this core concept as I envision a future revolution of all forms of media to become distributed in this fashion, directly from the artist.

So please continue to support the film by checking out my page, my FH2A article and follow me in whichever social network you prefer to stay updated with news of the film and be the first to experience it.

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