Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Want to see Ai?

Ai Stab, originally uploaded by rasdourian.

From Here to Awesome has just begun and as a result my film is getting distribution in a myriad of different outlets, the first of which starts today.

You can purchase a DVD of the film from indieflix for $6. If you prefer downloading a compressed version of the film, go to Caachi and download a torrent for $1.99 for either an ipod viewable mp4 or an avi for your computer. Do you use vudu? If so, you can already view the film as part of your package.

Please help support Ai by paying for it from any of these sites. If you can't afford to fork over a few bucks, I will be releasing a watermarked version of the film next week on social network sites, but purchasing it in some fashion is the best way to support Ai. Stay updated for more screenings, information and videos on my personal FH2A page, my youtube, my flickr and my twitter and check out my newly launched Facebook fan page for "Ai". Thanks and I hope you enjoy the film!

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